MTC Day 1

Hey Y’all!

First and foremost- I have no time to write right now so I will make this a little short and I will use bullet points!

2. MTC is kicking my butt but (haha butts) it is uplifting my spirit.
3. I miss you all so badly
4. My district is AWESOME
5. I have cried more in the past two days compared to my 21 years of existence
6. I am the oldest one here but people still think I am 12. YEAH SO GREAT.
7. I love you all
8. I am grateful for the support I have been given, I can tell you right now I can feel your prayers.

I cannot say this enough but I want everyone to know how much Heavenly Father loves me but most importantly, you.
I have learned so much as a set apart full time Missionary about preparing for the mission here at the MTC (Missionary Training Center). You can feel the spirit SO highly here it’s a little overwhelming but it’s keeping me going. There have been times where I just wanted to quit because I felt so weak but because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the spirit (aka bff) they have kept me going. I also have never prayed so much in one day before. We literally pray before doing ANYTHING (i.e. gym, daily planning, personal planning, companionship planning, eating, class). Anyways, I have to wrap this up but I promise a longer email next Friday 🙂

Continue to keep me in your prayers that I can make it through the next three weeks!

I’ll a short testimony with you all-
I know that this church is true, I have felt the spirit testify that to me. I have never been so grateful for baptism which lead me to receive the spirit. I’m so grateful to have access to the atonement and feel closer to my savior, Jesus Christ. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and all of us. I know that He loves us so much he sent His only begotten son to bleed from every pour and die for us on the cross so that we may have eternal life and may live with Him and our families together for eternity.

I will talk to you all next Friday 🙂

(for personal emails I have read ALL of them and I promise to respond to them next Friday as well!) Here are pictures!


My Companion, Sister Fallas

The Sisters from my District



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